I’m one of those people that still keeps a planner. Yes, I know I have a calendar on my phone, but my phone is already in my hand and the focus of my attention far more than I care to admit. And there is something about a book that appeals to the writer in me. At the end of the year, I can flip back through the pages and take a walk through the memories of things I’ve done, appointments I’ve had, activities I have participated in. I can think of the friends I have spent time with and the joy of shared experiences.
I figure I’m not alone in my joy of a written planner or they wouldn’t keep making them. For the past few years, I have bought a style from a rather bohemian company online that shows me a week at a time, spanning two pages when opened flat, which is exactly what I want to see. One of the things I like most about these planners is they are fun. They have cute little stickers to highlight particular events, fun illustrations throughout and a sweet little quote at the beginning of each week. This week’s quote says, “I wake up every day with a smile because I know I have something to be grateful for.”
I will read that quote at least once a day when I open my planner, but most likely it will be far more than that. It has reminded me of the importance of gratitude, and I have so much to be grateful for. Throughout the day and the week, it will give me pause to remember to be grateful. I the midst of chores and obligations, I stop and reflect on those things that I am blessed with. Even the chores are a blessing because I am healthy and capable of doing the work. Cleaning the house isn’t so bad when you remember to be grateful that you have a home to clean. Seeing the note to call my dad reminds me how lucky I am that he is still here with me. And I do wake up with a smile because I have the silliest dog that stretches and yawns, and sounds like Chewbacca, before he pounces on me and licks my face to get me up to feed and walk him. He is my best friend and gives me purpose in getting out of bed every day, even when I don’t feel like it. He is so happy on our walks, it’s impossible to not smile when I look at him. He just radiates joy.
Next week my planner will have a different quote but one thing is certain: it will be positive and uplifting and I will read it a dozen times or more throughout the week. That’s what I love about opening my planner every day. The little sparks of positivity throughout remind me to find joy within the framework of my daily activities. You can’t get that from typing things into a phone.
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