Do you ever wake up in the middle of the night thinking, obsessing, over stuff that happened during the previous day? I do, and it’s usually between 2:00 and 3:00 a.m. The witching hour. I call it chasing rabbits, because it feels like my brain has become an excited toddler running after a field of wild rabbits, going every which way with no direction or purpose. And while that imagery sounds funny, when it’s the middle of the night and you want to sleep, it is anything but. Sometimes the rabbits from the previous day join with the rabbits that have been burrowing under the surface for weeks and then it’s a free-for-all!
I’ll get up, go the bathroom, change sleep positions, and try to forget about them. I try to give it to God. Sometimes that works, other times not so much. I’m sure that has to do with the level of sincerity in my prayer and whether or not I have actually released my grip on it. You can call it over-thinking, but chasing rabbits reminds me how ridiculous it is to waste good sleeping hours on things that you can’t do anything about. Based on conversations with friends, I know I’m not alone in that.
I’m also not alone in reading my horoscope. I don’t usually put much stock in it, but it is entertaining enough that I subscribe to a daily email horoscope which I read each morning and see what the Universe has to say about my day. Sometimes it fits with what I have planned anyway, sometimes I get halfway through and think, “Well, that’s not happening today.” At the bottom of the email, there are usually links to online courses or other articles. One of those this week caught my attention because I had never heard of the Lion’s Gate Portal. Yes, I know, it sounds a little “hippie” even to me, but I am always interested in exploring different ideas and perspectives. So, I clicked on it.
Apparently, the Lion’s Gate Portal is a time during the season of Leo that certain celestial bodies align, and it is thought to create an apt time to manifest things in your life. In order to do so, however, you need to let go of other things you are carrying that no longer serve you. Basically, if your hands are full of things you don’t need, you cannot receive the gifts the Universe has in store for you. Put another way, if your mind is occupied with over-thinking, you are not open to new possibilities.
Here's the part that resonated with me, though. There is a suggested mantra for connecting to this ‘open portal.’
“Let go, and let the universe give you what you need.”
To me, the Universe is God, so letting go and trusting God to provide what I need makes perfect sense. And it sounds a whole lot better than chasing rabbits all night. The Portal is open for 2 more days, so I'll give it a try. But if the rabbits show up again, maybe God and I can try chasing them through the Portal…and I can get some sleep. Namaste.
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